Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A new beginning

A few months ago, my family relocated to Cheyenne, WY from Upstate New York.  My couponing success there led to me creating a local coupon blog, Reality Couponing in Rochester.  After the move, I couldn't find any similar local blogs so I've decided to start my own.  I plan on featuring grocery deals to be found at King Soopers, Safeway, and/or Albertsons, along with other tips and tricks to live a more frugal lifestyle and help stretch your hard-earned dollars.

If you've ever read other coupon blogs, I will warn you upfront that I may run my blog differently.  I've seen where other bloggers list every item in a sales circular and match up coupons to them.  I'm not going to lie: that is VERY time consuming.  Unless it is an almost-too-good-to-be-true deal, I usually only feature the items that I buy or will plan on buying for my family.  My kids are school-aged, so I don't feature diaper deals.  I don't currently have any dogs or cats, so you won't see coupon match-ups for pet food.  However, there will be plenty of good deals I will point out and I'm sure you'll find something helpful. :-) My goal is to help you save money, and you will see that it can be done with minimal effort,

It may take me a little time to get this blog completely up and running, so please check back often.  I enjoy hearing from my blog readers, so please feel free to leave comments and/or email me at rachelvcoupon at gmail dot com.

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